Some Good News

A few weeks ago, actor John Krasinski created and self-published a video he titled, “Some Good News,” where he shared some heart-warming videos that highlighted the more humane and uplifting things that have been happening these difficult days. The video went viral, and I take that to mean that people are particularly hungry for “Some Good News.” There are some great things happening amongst the people at Grace Rancho, and I want to stop for a moment and consider “Some Good News.” 

First of all, Jesus is alive. You know this. But don’t let familiarity breed contempt! Think of it: Jesus actually died, and now Jesus is actually alive. His resurrection proves that he conquered death. He is the first fruits of the New Creation. We can be sure that this death-riddled planet will not remain as it is forever. If the Lord tarries, we will all die. There is, however, a day coming that we will be raised from the dead. This gives new life and hope and purpose to our living and struggling and dying now.

Second, Jesus is saving people. In the last several months, some of the people we’ve been praying for have made professions of faith. Off the top of my head, I can think of five people in our church’s circle of influence who seem to have bowed the knee to the Savior and are demonstrating the fruits of repentance. I think we’re going to see some new converts baptized when we are finally able to regather.

Third, many lost souls are being prayed for by our church. In my growth group alone, we’re praying for 38 different friends, neighbors, family members, and coworkers who need the Lord. We’re also praying for boldness, for open doors, and for their salvation. We’re also thinking about how we might move toward them with gospel-shaped love and Spirit-given boldness.

Fourth, there is ministry happening all around us. As the pastor, I have the joy of hearing about some of the ways our church continues to serve one another. In addition to our evangelistic growth groups (which have been well-attended), I am hearing of discipleship meetings continuing virtually, women memorizing large passages of Scripture, men who are calling around and checking in on people. Some have given generously to the benevolent fund, others have offered themselves to help clean up a garage.

Fifth, there is deep heart-work going on. I think many of us have faced some sort of discouragement and disappointment this season. Even this is a reason to rejoice. Hebrews 12:11 says, “For the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” I am praying that this season, though painful, is productive - in that it yields the “peaceful fruit of righteousness” in our lives. 

Sixth, families are being encouraged to worship at home more than ever. This is reason to rejoice. Jonathan Edwards was convinced that no awakening would ever have lasting impact until parents began to disciple their children and see their homes as places of worship. More fathers and mothers are embracing this God-given responsibility.

I’m sure you have some good news too. God is working in and around you, and he is always good to his children. Let’s not forget this. Remember. Write it down. Take note. God is at work these days. My hope is that one day we will tell another generation of what amazing things he did during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. “Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord” (Ps. 102:18).

Eric Durso

Eric is the Lead Pastor of Grace Rancho


Current Events Part 1: A Time to Reflect


Redeeming the Doldrums