Monuments of His Faithfulness

I have a secret talent. Name any top 40 hit from the 80s and early 90s, and, 9 times out of 10, I will know the song – start to finish, verses, chorus, bridges, and guitar riffs – all of which I’d be delighted to sing for you! Ask any of my children how many times I’ve embarrassed them at Sprout’s, where they play the aforementioned musical gems for shoppers to enjoy. I can’t help myself! I only wish I had such a memory when it comes to reading my Bible and remembering what I’ve read in order to be “taught, reproved, corrected, trained in righteousness, complete, and equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16, 17).”

It is said that the average person can only have about 7 bits of information in his or her mind at one time. If the information isn’t engaged with, it will be forgotten in about 20 minutes or less. How many times have I read something only to immediately forget what I have read? Frequently is an understatement. I know I am not alone in this. We hear often at Grace Rancho about meditating on the word of God in order for the “transformation by the renewing of our mind” to take place. One very helpful and specific way I do that is by keeping a journal. This practice allows me to read Scripture, make observations, focus on specific verses that challenge or encourage me, and pray in response.

For as long as I can remember, I have been journaling during my quiet time. It looks different every day, but writing and thinking on what I have read in God’s word is one of the best habits I have cultivated in my life. By taking time to write down things I have observed in a passage, I am able to recollect more of what I have read. My journal also provides a place to work through any challenges in a passage, like writing down any unknown words or concepts to be defined or explained from a commentary or cross reference. As I write about how a verse or several verses impacted me, I am making a record of God’s work in my heart and life. Often, my observations turn in to praise as I see the character of God in Scripture, and how His word convicts and encourages me to keep pursuing Him. Inadvertently, my journal has become a written summary of life at its current stage, including my concerns and prayer requests, and, hopefully, a follow up about how God has chosen to answer them.

Journaling can look all sorts of ways. It only requires a pen, paper, and your Bible. I have found it to be essential to meaningful times with the Lord. Donald Whitney described journaling as “building a monument of faithfulness to God.” I’m happy to offer any help or encouragement so you can join me in the process of doing just that!

Jodi Severance

Jodi is a member of Grace Rancho and wife to one of our pastors, Mark Severance.


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