If you live in the area and would like to request Biblical Counseling, please complete our online form using the button below.
Our in-person counseling is open to all and, as always, there is no financial cost to you. Priority is given to those who are Grace Rancho members and active attenders.
Click Here to find an ACBC Certified Counselor if you do not live in the Southern California area.
What is biblical counseling?
Biblical counseling is counsel from the Bible, which we believe to be sufficient for everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3-4). It is akin to discipleship or sanctification. Whereas preaching is the public ministry of the Word, counseling is the private ministry of the Word. We believe in speaking the truth and in love.
Who can receive counseling?
Grace Rancho desires to be able to offer in-person counseling, free of charge, to anyone who calls. Wether you’re a Christian or not, we would like to point you to the hope that scripture offers. With that said, priority is given to our church members/attenders.
Who will counsel you?
Our counseling ministry consists of Grace Rancho Church pastors, elders, and ministry leaders along with ACBC certified biblical counselors, and trainees under the direct guidance of an ACBC supervising fellow. For more information on ACBC see their website at Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).
How do I get started?
Please complete the Counseling Request Form above. After you submit your application, someone will contact you shortly. If you have any questions, please call 909-870-9013 or email us at