Welcome to the Incremental Revival Journal.  

Our hope is to produce a resource created by the members of Grace Rancho for the members of Grace Rancho. The journal articles are bite-sized, easily digestible chunks, readily accessible for those who don’t normally read much.

You may be wondering about the name of the journal: Incremental Revival. The phrase came out of our study of the parable of the sower in Mark 4. The sower sows the word, he goes to sleep, the crops grow, and at the harvest time, he reaps a great harvest. The lesson that Jesus was teaching his disciples is that the ordinary, obscure, and seemingly insignificant acts of faithfulness are what God uses to produce glorious and abundant fruitfulness. That’s where the idea for “incremental revival” comes from.

Incremental revival means we prayerfully give ourselves to the small, seemingly insignificant acts of faithful witness, and trust that over time God uses it for great and glorious purposes. May this journal contribute, even in a small way, to the revival we hope to see in the years to come. 

The Latest Issue

This journal aims to consistently reinforce this easily forgotten truth, and inspire you toward ordinary faithfulness. Beware of what your eyes tell you. Small doesn’t mean insignificant. Ordinary doesn’t mean inconsequential. If it doesn’t sprout a harvest immediately, it doesn’t mean it was worthless. The revival we long for - the revival of faith, love, and obedience in the church - is not the work of a few who carry the massive load. The flood of revival comes through trillions of tiny droplets of sacrificial love, humble service, generous hospitality, and cheerful fellowship. The revival is incremental. Press on.

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