Building Project FAQs
How much is the Making (More) Disciples Project expected to cost?
Based on our conversation with our architect, Baranov Building Design, we are anticipating the price of the project to be in the ballpark of $5 million. Because we’d like to take on as little debt as possible, we are trying to fundraise a large portion of the cost.
How much is the church trying to raise?
For the project to take place, Grace Rancho needs $2M in cash, which we are hoping to raise through pledges and generous giving by the start of 2026.
Are members required to give a certain amount?
Our desire is for each of our members or regular attenders who consider Grace Rancho their church home to prayerfully consider and evaluate how they might give to the project. But, no member is required or expected to give a certain amount in any way. Rather, we pray for our members to give faithfully and joyfully as worship to the Lord.
How long will the Making (More) Disciples Project take?
There are many variables at play with finances and city requirements, but from start to finish, it is possible that the project be started in 2026 and completed in 2027. Of course, only God knows how long everything will take, and we will trust him with the timing.
How much space will we gain with the project?
Current sanctuary capacity is 300 chairs, and the proposed expansion will increase that to 500 chairs. 3,000 square feet of outdoor canopy/lobby space will also be added. Additionally, we will gain back necessary classroom and office space from the sanctuary “wings” we have now.
Why not just add a second service?
Some wonder why we don’t simply add another service to our Sunday schedule. That way we could continue adding to our gathering without having to invest in such an expensive project. While we agree that this could lead to some short-term relief, we believe that it would fundamentally change our church and potentially hinder us in the long- term. For more on our one-service emphasis, see the Incremental Revival Podcast episode 47: “Why One Service?” and episode 102: “Unity in the Church.”
What will we do with the growing congregation in the interim before the project is complete?
When you look around on Sunday mornings, it’s clear we are nearing max capacity. It’s not a far-off reality that our church may outgrow our current facility before we can begin or complete the Making (More) Disciples Project. With this in mind, we have a team of members and leaders investigating various Sunday morning gathering spaces we might utilize in the future.