Personal Ministry: A Few Reasons I Value One-to-One Discipleship

As I reflect on my walk with Christ, and think about where I was in 1992 as a new follower of Christ, I can’t help but praise the Lord for His faithfulness in my life! My understanding of the Scriptures at that time and where I am today has changed for the better. My understanding of the gospel, His church, baptism, communion, His grace, His mercy, evangelism, discipleship, prayer, membership, etc., is not the same as it was then.

Although I knew what those words meant by definition, I didn’t quite understand what they would look like in day-to-day living, applying them in my life. Over time, prayer, reading the Word, attending church, and being members of gospel-centered, Christ-exalting churches were extremely helpful.

However, one-to-one discipleship has been an area that I’ve come to value very much. Although I understood what Christ told the eleven disciples in Matt. 28:18-20 in an evangelistic sense, I didn’t quite understand what that would look like in a non-evangelistic atmosphere.

Put in another way, what does one-to-one discipleship look like in my life? I’ve come to appreciate one-to-one discipleship since arriving at Grace Rancho in January 2019. After leading a few men at our Men’s Equipping Group, I began to appreciate this incredible God-given ministry for growth! I’m absolutely convinced that God uses many things (trials, marriage, the local church, one-to-one discipleship) to transform us into Christ-likeness.

Here are a few reasons why:


I’ve always known I’m not really equipped, I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t pretend that I do. Since God is over all things and His plans cannot be thwarted, I’ve come to appreciate my prayer time with God. What can I do, what can I say, how can I live before my family, my church family, my business contacts, and those that I am meeting with one-on-one? I come to the throne of God for wisdom, humility, patience, godliness, and brotherly kindness. I need to grow in these qualities so I ask God for help! I don’t want to misrepresent God by living a life that is contrary to what He desires for me. I find myself very needy, but I’m thankful I have a loving Father who cares for me and provides as He sees fit.


As I’ve come to appreciate the Lord’s commission (Matt. 28:18-20), there must be a sense of obedience, a desire to go, to do, and to obey! Why else am I here on the globe? But this is not under compulsion, but rather out of gratitude for what He accomplished for me! Since Christ was so abundantly gracious to me, how could I not be obedient to participate in His work, for His glory and my good? He’s given me a new nature, new desires, and a new outlook, so to get involved in another person’s life to help him grow is also to help me grow in the same thing, Christ-likeness. (1 Sam. 15:22)


As I described earlier, there’s value in being reminded of what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m reminded of 1 Cor. 5:14-15 — the Love of Christ compels me to do this! If I simply say I love God and can demon strate my Love for God by knowing lots of doctrine, truths, and history, but do not love people, I do not have a clear understanding of God or His glorious gospel. My love for God ought to bear fruit in obedience to Him, and loving people. I’m reminded that it’s not about me! My life is in service to another, for His cause, for His work, for the one who died and rose on my behalf! I do this by setting aside time for those whom God has placed in my life, to show care, and concern by encouraging them to know Christ more according to His word. This is often easier said than done. However, when I do this I am incredibly blessed by it.


There is something uniquely special about communicating the truths of God based on His word with someone and watching them respond in obedience. There’s fruit! They articulate these truths in their own way and express how much they appreciate God’s word for them. They tell you stories of how they are concerned for their family, co-workers, and friends. They look for ways to share the gospel with them. Perhaps you’ve been a part of a group study, or maybe one on one. It’s an incredible privilege to participate in the glorious work that God is doing in our lives. Some of the most joyful moments in my life have been when others hear the words of God and respond by obeying it. I’ve realized it’s not anything that I can imagine in my head, by my own thoughts, but it’s simply the word of God and the gospel bearing fruit, as it promised to do so (Col. 1:6).

I’m incredibly thankful to the Lord for bringing my family to Grace Rancho. God knew exactly what we needed and when we needed it! To say Grace Rancho is a good church is an understatement. God has blessed Grace Rancho with His mercy, grace, love, compassion, etc. It’s very easy to write these things because they’re true! The things I’ve learned at Grace Rancho aren’t anything new, but because our loving and humble pastors are concerned for the people God has put under their care, it’s demonstrated before us on a week-in and week-out basis.


Getting Involved at Grace Rancho


The Membership Directory: How It Helps Me Care for the Church