The Sunday Agenda of a Faithful Church Member
This is a sample of what a Sunday morning could look like for you, not a biblical mandate of what a Sunday morning must look like for you. My prayer is that it stirs you to consider how you can make the most of Sunday mornings.
6:30 AM - Up for devotions. Will meditate on the text being preached. Praying for the preacher, congregation, and unbelieving visitors.
7:30 AM - Listen to worship playlist while getting ready.
8:15 AM - Get to church and help setup, volunteer in kid’s for the 9AM class, or volunteer in sound, or meet at the church early for prayer.
9:00 - 10:00 AM - Attend Membership Matters again. Hope to encourage and bless incoming members.
10:00 - 10:15 AM - Pray before service with a couple friends.
10:15 - 10:25 AM - Hang in the lobby, look to welcome visitors.
10:25 AM - Prayerfully consider where to sit. Should I sit by the new visitor? The mom who needs some extra help with little ones? The struggling and discouraged friend? Or sit near the front to make room for visitors coming later.
10:30 AM - Corporate worship
• Quiet down for announcements to show support for whoever is welcoming.
• Sing loudly to God and to encourage the brothers and sisters around me.
• Open up my Bible to follow along with Scripture readings.
• Pray with the service leader.
• Give a hearty “Amen” after the prayer is done.
• Take notes during the sermon - jot down notes for things to discuss with family afterwards.
• Consider areas of my life that need to conform to the word I just heard preached.
12:00 PM - Hang out for a little bit after, try to connect with visitors. Pray with others about needs that come up.
12:45 PM - Lunch with a newer family at church. Get to know them, hear their testimonies. Or get lunch with a family at church you have been meaning to catch up with.
1:45 - 4:30 PM - Rest at home, and continue to thank the Lord for the word and fellowship.
5:00 - 6:15 PM - Evening gathering
• Ask for prayer for my unbelieving neighbor with whom you’ve been sharing the gospel.
• Write down prayer requests.
• Consider how to meet shared needs.
• Stay after to catch up with others.
7:00 PM - Thank God for a full and fruitful day!
Now this may seem at first glance like a lot. And it certainly is. The Lord calls us to be devoted to one another (Romans 12:10), and Sunday is one of the days to maximize our devotion to others. Start where able, and look to be intentional in every aspect of Sunday!