9 Months and 137 Chairs In

It’s been almost 9 months since we officially launched our Making (More) Disciples Building Project back on August 27, 2023. If you were at our launch you’ll remember it was an exciting evening as we laid out the specifics of the project and what it would take to get us all the way there. While that was a great way to get started with a bang, our momentum soon came to what felt like a grinding halt. Some of the original specifics for our plans were throwing a wrench into the process we hoped to go through with the city. Poised in the starting blocks, so to speak, we were surprised to hear the gun fired twice for a false start. We went in with excitement and momentum, and a few meters in we were called back to the starting line. 

As with all of life, the Lord doesn’t waste anything, and every detail of this project is in his hands. We desire to trust him every step of the way. At the beginning of 2024 he led us to a new architect who we are thrilled to be working with. Our new architectural team has largely picked up right where we left off while instilling some fresh ideas and new life into the process. Things are moving along and details are being ironed out as work is being prepared to submit our plans to the city for approval.

As this whole process continues on, details surface and items to pray for arise, we want to keep the churched informed. To that end, we’ll be sending out monthly updates at a minimum, and more when needs or exciting developments arise. These updates will include details of the project, how the process is progressing with the city, where we are at in relation to our fundraising goals, how you can pray for project specifics, and much more. To that end, here’s some updates with where we are at today.

Architect / Design Process

Alongside a new preliminary master plan we’ve landed on the details of our current Making (More) Disciples project, and there’s good news: with some minor tweaks, we hope to move forward in expanding our current sanctuary and repurposing classrooms and offices to better fit the Sunday morning needs of our growing congregation, including larger bathrooms (!) as so many have been asking. A new outdoor fellowship patio and additional parking will be added as well.

Fundraising 500 Chairs

As many of you will remember, our goal for this project is to fundraise $2m in cash by 2026 for the future 500 seat sanctuary we hope to have. That breaks down to $4,000/chair in the new sanctuary. By God’s help we’ve now raised the equivalent of 137 chairs through funds we’ve been able to save over the years, and the generous donations of our members. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Reserve funds earmarked towards M(M)D: $386,452 (97 chairs)

  • Making (More) Disciples contributions to date: $161,228 (40 chairs)

With pledges and earmarked funds, we are on our way to raising $1m of the $2m total. Praise God for his provision! Though there is a long way to go, we are getting somewhere significant.

Moving Forward

Here’s some ways you can act and pray moving forward.

Action Items:

  • Spread the word: if you know someone who would like to be involved with supporting this project financially, let us know! We’d love the opportunity to reach out to those who might be interested in investing in the future of what the Lord is doing at Grace Rancho

  • Pledge: If you are a church member or consider Grace Rancho your church home and desire to support the Making (More) Disciples project financially, yet haven’t filled out a pledge card, please do! Pledges help us gauge what is possible as we move along through the project.

Prayer Points:

  • Praise God for his provision so far! It’s incredible to see the Lord answer prayer, and encouraging to see our people step up in generosity. Pray for more givers and fundraising opportunities.

  • Praise God for directing us to our new architects. Pray for them as they plan details and work with the city.

  • Pray for the elders, Michael Sciarra, and James Bogle as they iron out details and work with the architects. Ask the Lord to grant wisdom throughout each step.

  • Pray for the Lord to keep the church focused on the mission of making disciples. We desire for all of this to enable and fuel the mission Christ has his church.