Make the Most of Your Summer
If you’re considering a vacation of any kind this summer, it’s important to make some sort of a plan. Where will you go? How will you get there? What will you do on your trip? Who will take care of Fido while you’re gone? You’re much more likely to have a refreshing time away if you think through details ahead of time.
But since this is the “Pilgrim Press” and not a travel blog, my encouragement for all of us is to be equally intentional with the time the Lord gives us this summer with our church family. While some of the typical church activities like Sunday evening gatherings, growth groups, and core seminars are on pause, this season represents a great opportunity to consider new ways to grow in our love for the Lord and one another. Here are six ideas to make the most of your S-U-M-M-E-R:
1) S – Show up. Don’t take a vacation from gathering with your church family on Sunday. And, if possible, attend park nights, ladies book club meetings, and young adult get togethers. Further, you can plan your own gatherings with brothers and sisters.
2) U – Use your home. Lean into hospitality. Use it as a platform for evangelism and discipleship. Invite people over and plan for ways that your time and conversation will result in praise to the Lord and encouragement to one another.
3) M – Make a new friend. Invite someone you don’t know very well to have a cup of coffee or a meal together. Ask them their testimony and spur one another on to love and good deeds.
4) M – Memorize Scripture. Pick a passage of Scripture and invite a friend to memorize it with you. It’s a wonderful way to renew your mind, stand firm in the midst of temptation, and grow in your faith.
5) E – Explore the outdoors. God’s creation is so beautiful; don’t miss it! Take a hike, splash in the ocean, gaze at the stars. Your body and soul will be refreshed. The young adults are reading a book this summer called “Go Outside” – that’s great advice for young and old alike.
6) R – Read a book. The Bible is always #1, but enjoy a good book as well. Better yet, ask a friend to read it with you. Then get together and encourage one another as you discuss it.