Deacon Spotlight - Isaiah Vasquez
Isaiah Vasquez - Deacon of New Member Care
What has the Lord taught me?
The Lord as helped me understand how great of a privilege it is to serve His church. Specifically in this role, he has taught me that as members of the church body, and as ambassadors of Christ, our communication with visitors, new attendees, and new members is significant. Whether we intend to be or not, we are a reflection of the church, the bride of Christ, and it’s important that we provide a welcoming, loving, and encouraging home for all who attend.
What has been enjoyable?
The most enjoyable part of serving as deacon has been getting to know all the new people. It’s so great to see such a wide variety of folks visiting the church and attending regularly. It been great to meet family members, friends, people who find us online, and others, who are invited to visit our church.
What has been challenging?
The part that I enjoy the most, is also the most challenging. I want to be able to talk to everyone, and that is simply not realistic. I have found it hard to keep up with long standing members and friends, and the various folks that become members. The other challenge that is beginning to get easier is the follow up communication regarding welcome lunches, membership matters classes, and any other communication that is helpful so new visitors can have the means to understanding our philosophy of ministry at Grace Rancho.
How might members help contribute to this ministry?
As the foundation is getting laid, I believe the best way for members to serve is to continue to welcome visitors, new attenders, and new members. There are so many people coming each Sunday that it really does take a community effort to love and care for others. I would encourage the church body to do all that they can to invite, and spend time with the new members at church.