Grace at Home

We lived in Highland when we began attending Grace Rancho in May 2021. At first the drive to and from church, even twice on Sundays, wasn’t a big deal. We love Grace Rancho, and we considered it a necessary sacrifice. However, as we became more involved, the trips multiplied from 2 a week to 5-6 days a week.

We desired to be closer to church so that we could be involved and serve our church family better. There were many conversations over the course of a couple of years, between the two of us and also with others we trusted for godly wisdom. In November 2022, we sold our home in Highland. The Lord in his kindness opened doors for us just 2 miles down the street - on Beryl!

How has ministry changed for us? Less than 2 weeks after we moved in, we hosted a growth group potluck! Shortly after, we hosted our second annual NYE bunco party. Kim moved one of her weekly meetings from Panera to our home and has been able to hold counseling sessions there as well. We’ve felt more free to invite friends to our home, even extending last minute invitations sometimes.

It’s a busy season for us - or really for Jeremy. He is working extended hours between January and May - often 12 hour days and 6 or 7 day weeks. We look forward to when this ends so we can open our home more, but despite the scheduling difficulties, we are still reaching out - sometimes choosing to go out rather than share meals at home. No matter the season, we want to be intentional to build relationships and serve the body at Grace Rancho. We have a few ideas we’re tossing around for when Jeremy’s schedule changes, and we can’t wait to see how God uses our ordinary obedience and this home that he’s given us.

What does that look like for you? You don’t have to host a big party or cook a fancy meal - though those things are fun - it could be inviting a friend for coffee, preparing a meal for a family, or having gospel conversations with your kiddos. Ask God to increase your hearts’ desire and ask him for opportunities to invite people in. Be faithful with what he gives. Then step back and be amazed at what he will do in you and through you for his glory!


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