Book Blurb
Sex, dating, and marriage are amongst the most hotly contested and emotionally fraught topics within the American Church, to say nothing of the culture at large. In their 2012 book “Sex, Dating, and Relationships,” Gerald Heistand and Jay Thomas help readers to reevaluate and recast the entire notion of dating and romantic relationships in light of what Holy Scripture says about the issue. Contrary to many, Heistand and Thomas believe that God’s word is not silent with regard to dating and that its prescriptions are crystal clear, if not revolutionary to our understanding. While sure to challenge many of our preconceived notions of dating, this book’s true genius lies in the way it calls us to read afresh once more all that God has to say about marriage and its true end, namely, to mirror Christ and His Church.
Recommended For:
Parents of young children who seek to catechize their children well in the areas of marriage, dating, and sexual purity.
02. Young adults beginning to consider the prospect of marriage and dating and how to honor Christ while pursuing a spouse.