A Hymn Unpacked: Christ Our Wisdom
When was the last time you boasted about not knowing something or took pride in your ignorance? Have you ever gloried in being unsure about the way ahead in life? Likely, your answers are “probably never” and “that’s not something I like to talk about.” Yet, as Christ followers, we have a unique opportunity to speak candidly and openly about our lack of wisdom, foreknowledge, and grasp on the uncertainties of life. Because ultimately, we find no reason to boast in ourselves, but every reason to have confidence in Christ.
That’s the theme of a new song we’ve just begun singing called “Christ Our Wisdom,” which comes from 1 Corinthians 1:31: “… you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.’” Each verse of this song begins with the words “Christ our wisdom” as a declaration of dependence upon the one who is our gladness, our guide, and our gracious Savior. When the Lord’s way is veiled to us, we humbly trust his good and glorious purposes. Whether we encounter joy or sadness, we trust in Christ’s perfect rule over us. And when we are weary, anxious, or scared we are strengthened by Christ’s love for us. “Christ Our Wisdom” puts to music the confession Christians ought to make in every circumstance: that our hope is in the Lord, that he is our righteousness and strength, and that we trust his kind and gracious providence. To describe Christ as our wisdom is to declare complete dependence upon him, abandoning the wisdom of the world and the ways of our own hearts so that we might cling to Christ. As we sing this song in the coming months and years, may it be a beautiful reminder of Christ’s kind rule, tender care, and gracious leading that turns our eyes off ourselves and our circumstances and unto the one who is our glory and strength.